Detention / Bond Hearing

Helping immigrant detainees obtain reduced bond requirements
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Detention / Bond Hearing Attorney In Redlands, California

What Are Detention And Bond Hearings?

If you or a loved one has entered the United States outside of the law, they could risk encountering Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers. Following a Notice to Appear (NTA), ICE will decide whether to free them on their recognizance or keep them in detainment, potentially under a set bond amount. As full payment is required for these bonds, it becomes a challenging scenario for many who cannot afford the entire amount, even with the support of their families. If the payment in full is not feasible, the individual will stay in ICE's custody until deportation procedures are finalized. You or a family member who has been denied bond or is facing an unaffordable bond amount may qualify for a bond hearing. You must engage the assistance of a proficient immigration attorney to enhance your chance of obtaining freedom. Today is the day to reach out to Wilson Wong, your trusted Immigration Law attorney in California.

Call  WilsonWongLaw, PC at 909-640-3834 to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today.

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What Qualifies a Detainee for a Bond Hearing?

If you have no criminal background and qualify for relief from removal proceedings, you might qualify for a reduction in the amount you must pay for your release. The immigration judge will also take other factors such as family living in the United States, your ties to an American community, your employment history, your ability to pay a reduced bond, and your likelihood of becoming a flight risk into account. Having a knowledgeable figure like Wilson Wong, an Immigration Law attorney in California who is versed in detention and bond hearings, can be a game-changer. His understanding of the intricacies of the legal processes related to immigration law can assist you in navigating these complex procedures. Reach out to Wilson Wong today - he's ready to provide compassionate and effective guidance for your detention and bond hearing needs.

What Happens During a Detention and Bond Hearing?

Wilson Wong, a dedicated Immigration Law attorney in California, will take the initiative to submit a motion to your court, seeking a redetermination of your bond. The court sets a date for the bond hearing, which is typically attended by Wilson Wong, the opposing party, and the judge, while you or your loved one can participate using video conferencing software. If you encounter any language barrier in understanding English, rest assured, that the court will arrange an interpreter for your assistance. The judge will thoroughly examine the evidence and decide whether you are eligible for a bond reduction, potentially leading to your release. Hence, having Wilson Wong by your side can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Reach out to Wilson Wong for assistance with your case today.

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Have Questions?

Wilson Wong is available during normal working hours, but also maintains a 24/7 answering service. If you need a consultation on a weekend or evening, he can provide that for you.
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